tiistai 22. joulukuuta 2020


Sharing here some handmade ideas. Feel free to use. 💜

Made these beauty bags from Marimekko Unikko fabric.
Just love the colour.  

Christmas time in Villa Oleksia

On halfway of December and finally got some snow. Would love to get some more though. And now it is all gone. 

perjantai 4. joulukuuta 2020

Old porches

Since I was a little girl I have loved old houses and especially old porches in them. I think there is something magical with them. I just love the the thin glass windows with little squares and details. The light is different in them, fine and more delicate. Porch is kind of a transition space between indoors and outdoors. The seasons can be lengthen, for example chilly autumn nights are very cosy in poch spaces. And also hot summer days may feel cooler in porches. With little insulation and maybe help of infrared heaters porches can be used also winter time. 

Our cats just love to hang around in our porch. 

Maailma tarvitsee sisustussuunnittelijaa?

Suunnittelija - pelastava enkeli?  Pohdin tässä sisustussuunnittelun tarpeellisuutta muutaman esimerkkinäkökulman avulla. Sisustussuunnitelm...